This is the day we open up a new calendar. The day that invites a fresh start, a new beginning. We might even venture another set of resolutions that signal our hopes for what we might do, who we become. Meanwhile, what is the Spirit resolving to be about in us? That’s where our theme this Sunday will take us ...inviting us, in the words of that Howard Thurman prayer, “to make a place in our lives for the freshness of Love’s presence still given to all who know their need and dare receive it.” We’ll be gathering online and in person. Either way, I look forward to stepping into the new year with you.
The music this day will be lead by Gordon Miller and supported by Adrian Vedady and Kelby MacNayr. What a fabulous way to start the new year!
Rev. Karen Dickey
Our worship each Sunday is intended to be a collective experience, a communal practice. We might step into whatever is our sanctuary, each one of us as individuals, and yet as we assemble, from wherever we are, we become a people, drawn together through song and prayer, through word and ritual, and through the Spirit who breathes through it all, through us all. One and the same Spirit uniting us breathing us into life! Thank you for contributing to our live-streamed church:
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