Summary James Bay United Church Board
February 25, 2025
The Board was delighted to have some prospective members attend the meeting to observe the Board's work and operations. The Board has begun planning for the Annual Meeting, which will be held on March 27 at 7 PM. At that meeting, we will elect our Board for 2025. We still need to fill some key roles—Treasurer, Secretary, and Co-Chair. The Treasurer role is especially important as we have a large staff, many programs, and various forms of donations. We cannot function without a Treasurer who will work with our Bookkeeper and Finance Team to keep us on track. The Board approved the budget at this meeting, so it will now be included in the Annual Report, which will be available by March 12. Watch for it online. We hope for a strong turnout at the Annual Meeting so that everyone can be up to date on where James Bay United Church stands.
A new Pastoral Care Team has begun, with the expectation of being fully operational soon. The Children’s Sunday Morning Music program started this past Sunday and will hopefully grow as time goes on. All children are welcome. The Board continues to be grateful for the many volunteers and committed staff who enable us to be a thriving church.
Our reports this month come from Communications—an inspiring and interesting read (found in next week’s newsletter) about the wonderful communications and marketing progress happening behind the scenes.
Summary James Bay United Church Board
January 16, 2025
Both the Board and Church Teams are expressing enthusiasm for the Volunteer Fair coming up on January 26. We hope it enables more people to see the array of programs offered by the church and for some people to find a place where they might fit in.
Greg shared his Transitional Supply Minister report. He has some recommendations that the Board will be working on over the next while. For example, the Board needs to prepare job descriptions for each of the positions on the Board so that pieces of work are not lost during transitions of Board members, and so that new members can find their way more easily. Another relates to the congregational understanding of Social Justice—at the moment there are a variety of views and yet the ethos of the congregation is to support social justice. He also notes the need for a focus on learning and strong communications in all aspects of church life.
A Sunday morning children’s program will be starting soon focusing on music with Kelby McNair as a key leader.
The Board was approached by a local landowner regarding checking the possibility of contamination on our property from a dry cleaning business that was located near our property for a number of years. Environmental consultant, Ingo Lambrecht, visited the meeting to talk about the process that would be involved in exploring any potential contamination and remediation of it. He does not think there will be significant problems on our property but the landowner wants to determine if there is and deal with remediation if any is required.
Our reports this month came from the Community Lunch—an inspiring and interesting read (found in next week’s newsletter), from the Refugee Team who are very disappointed in the government decision to put a hold on community refugee sponsorships for one year and are seeking options to support their Afghani family, and from the Finance Team who are working toward the finalized 2025 budget. The Finance Team reminds people that giving by PAR (Preauthorized money automatically transferred each month from congregation members’ accounts to the church account) is the most helpful method for knowing how much money will come in and enabling budgeting based on that. Envelopes are also available from the office. The Finance Team is hopeful that a session can be held on wills and bequests to help people who want to leave money to the church understand the process.
Summary James Bay United Church Board
December 19, 2024
The final Board meeting of the year had a very full agenda with a mix of updates and new items.
Martin is continuing to work on the training for use of the defibrillator with plans for a general congregational session and a more specialized session for a small group of church users.
Kelby McNair’s Arts Report shows the wide-ranging and carefully planned activities to enrich people’s bodies and spirits. We are grateful for his work and creativity. All of the Arts Programs are currently self-sustaining and running well.
In preparation for the coming year that Board determined that its meetings would be the 3rd Thursday of the month. The Draft of the budget for 2025 was examined with an approval of a small raise for staff members who have not had raises before. The Board continues to be grateful for the generosity of the people of James Bay United Church and its broad community. The budget takes effect at the beginning of the year although the congregation approves it at the Annual Meeting (which will be held on Thursday March 27, 2025).
Deborah Davis has agreed to take on the task of nominations. We invite congregation members to talk to Deborah if they are interested in sharing in leadership of the church. An event will be held at coffee at the end of January to show the opportunities for involvement and leadership at the church.
In January the Board will begin work on some of the recommendations from Greg from his time as Transitional Supply Minister.
We look forward to a rich year of faith-filled activities in James Bay United Church.
Summary James Bay United Church Board
November 21, 2024
The Board had a full agenda. We were delighted with the Fund Raising Team Report and are grateful for their work. The final tally was $11,385 which helps toward meeting our expenses for this year. We have been very fortunate in getting grants this year, including two recent ones—one from the Blennerhassett Foundation to do some needed work in the office area to enable our Office Administrator and our Book Keeper to have appropriate space to do their work, and one from the United Church Provision Fund which will enable Greg and Kelby to start a children’s music program in the new year. We also have benefited from the Community Lunch grant which, among many important pieces of work, enabled the church to purchase a defibrillator. Martin Stewart is organizing for a training session at coffee after church so that people in the church will know what to do if it is needed. As well Kelby continues to use the grants he received for the Arts Ministry. We are very grateful to have these grants that enable our church and its programs to operate effectively.
We are also indebted to the fine Interim Finance Team that has been working diligently for a year to get all the finances of the church in order. Hats off to Franklyn Roy, Alan Thurston, Hazel Blennerhassett, and Brian Troutman for their ongoing work!
We have many things going on—and we need volunteers. At the moment we are looking for people who can operate the cameras for Sunday morning worship, a Co-chair for the Board, another member for the Ministry and Personnel Team (human resources work), a treasurer, and some people to help out with the proposed children’s program. Further information will be put up on the website soon, but speak to Greg or Board members if you are interested in sharing your talents.
We are also looking for a new staff person to fill the audio-tech role that Nathan has filled for the last four years as Nathan will be leaving the job at the end of the year. If you know of anyone who might be interested speak to Greg or Alan Thurston.
The Board expressed thanks to Gwenna Moss for her ongoing work getting archival material sorted and ready for the United Church Archives, as well as her monthly poster boards about the history of James Bay United Church leading up to the 100th Anniversary of The United Church of Canada next June.
We are pleased that Jennifer has been able to offer her skill, providing a choir for worship, the Singing in Harmony workshop, and will be leading at a Christmas Carol Singalong on December 21. The Worship Team is also planning special services for the Christmas season.
Much work, but also much gratitude!
James Bay United Church Board Summary
October 17, 2024
The Board has been excited about the Thanksgiving Appeal and is grateful for the leadership and hard work of Karen Halliday, Greg Powell, and Deborah Davis. Plans for the Sunday Soup and Pledge lunch were discussed, and some ideas for fundraising over the next few years were presented. The Board will have a discussion at the next meeting before these plans are shared with the congregation for conversation and approval.
A group of congregation members is planning to sponsor a refugee family. JBUC was involved in sponsorship before and has agreed to serve as the Sponsorship Committee for the group moving forward on this. More information will be shared with the congregation in November.
We are continuing to look for a Co-Chair for the Board and another person for the Ministry and Personnel Committee. Additionally, the Interim Finance Committee would like to appoint a Treasurer who can learn the ropes before the next Annual Meeting. Is anyone a good fit?
Thanks to a grant for the Thursday Lunch Program, the church has purchased an Automated External Defibrillator, which will soon be in an easily accessible location. A safety session will be scheduled soon, covering training on the defibrillator and the naloxone kept in the kitchen. We also need to hold a fire and earthquake drill in the near future.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
September 26, 2024
The Church Board met by Zoom on Thursday September 26 to carry out a range of business. Last month the Thrift Shop noted that they would like a handout describing what the church does with its money since customers often ask. Greg and Zunaira have prepared a rack pamphlet that will be ready before long. It can be used at the Thrift Shop, in the church and in other places in the community to tell about the programs of the church. We are looking into the possibility of having a QR code in the church or the bulletin to make it easier for people to donate to the church since few people carry cash these days. Our offerings are significantly down for the first half of this year but during the same time the Thrift Shop brought in more than expected so that is good news. We will have a deficit as our budget predicted although we are hopeful to lower the deficit with our annual Thanksgiving request going out soon.
Our livestream computer gave up recently and so had to be replaced. We are grateful to Nathan for helping to get that in place so that our livestream community can continue to be a part of the worshipping community.
A group of congregation members asked James Bay United Church to become a Community Sponsor Group for a refugee family. The Sponsor Group will work through the application, do the fund raising and support the family once they arrive. Watch for information as this process gets underway.
Over the coming month you can read the interesting reports from various church teams.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
August 15, 2024
All of the Board members were present at our August meeting, including Greg Powell in his new role as called minister.
The Thrift Shop noted that customers wonder how the church spends its money. Greg and Zunaira will work on a rack card that can be handed to people.
We decided that reports from the Board and various Teams should be included in each week’s newsletter, instead of only once per month. This will enable everyone to see the wonderful things being done by the Teams.
There was also a discussion about creating a new photo directory of the congregation. More research is needed, but there was interest.
An ad hoc group has examined the pay of all our staff. We were pleased to hear that all but one person are being paid what is considered a Living Wage for Victoria. The one anomaly will be addressed by M&P. It is challenging to categorize employment types because of the variety of work being done in different ways.
We are still working on forming a Fundraising Team to oversee projects within the church. This team will oversee initiatives, while others will handle the actual fundraising events. This is critical for the ongoing life of JBUC. Please let a Board member know if you are interested.
We are grateful for the work that Colleen Nicholl has done as Interim Co-Chair of the Board. She is stepping down from that role but will continue on the Board as Worship Team Chair. Martin Stewart, the other Co-Chair, will continue, and a new Co-Chair will be sought.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
June 20, 2024
Each meeting during the time of the Transitional Supply Minister, Greg has offered an educational time for the Board. This month was how to write a policy—now the various members of the Board have to start the work of creating policies for JBUC!
With consultation the Board determined that the work of the Transitional Supply Minister has been effective. There are a few more things to be done so the contract is extended to the end of August. Meanwhile the Search Committee is continuing its work toward getting a permanent minister.
One concern that arose as we read the Team reports is that some Teams are wanting to use the time of the Office Assistant to help with their work. Unfortunately the job description is full with no room for extra work. We will be working to sort out how this can be resolved. In the meantime, we ask that Teams not give Candis work they want
We decided that we would like to share one report (or part of a report) each month so you are aware of the great work being done by the various ministries of the church. As a starter we couldn’t resist the Community Lunch Report sent by Joanne Keelan…
Community Lunch
I thought I'd send these from the recent lunch titled:
When anything that could go wrong, it did!
I was sick.
Volunteers started dropping like flies due to Covid, Covid exposure etc.
John was absent because his wife was taken to hospital in the night
No volunteer had a key to get in, so Jo had to rush to my place and pick one up.
Jo's dessert burned under the broiler.
The fire alarm went off at 3:00 so volunteers had to skidaddle before they were
On the other hand, I spoke with a regular guest and he said it was great! Just goes to
show that you can hide a lot behind the scenes.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
June 6, 2024
Do you know how many times money is mentioned in the Bible? That was Greg’s question in the Board development section of our Board meeting this week. Take a guess—and then ask a Board member if you want to know! The Board went on to talk about creating a Fund Development Team—a Team to look at the long-term goals of JBUC and how we can work toward enabling these through bequests, fund raisers, social enterprises (Thrift Shop, rentals, etc.), grants and other options. More to come on this as the Board develops terms of reference for this potential team.
The Board is also working on policies and procedures for a variety of areas of the church’s life so that our many programs, volunteers and staff are all on the same page. This is an ongoing project with many facets including things like building use, financial procedures, emergency procedures, and counting the Sunday offerings. This is slow work but will be helpful in the long run so that people taking on new tasks can see what and how things are done at JBUC.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
May 9, 2024
The Board meets every two weeks to deal with emerging issues as well as its usual duties. Our excitement for this meeting was seeing the new roof on the Thrift Shop. This will enable the Shop to keep its valuable work going without concern for further leakage problems.
Each meeting Greg, Our Transitional Supply Minister, is doing Board development with us. This meeting we focused on the Mission of the Congregation and the relationship of congregation, Board and Teams in working toward the mission. Greg is hard at work with the Board, the staff and the various teams.
We continue to need a Fund Raising Chair, a Treasurer, and a Board Chair. If anyone is interested please talk to Greg or a Board member. In the meantime the Interim Finance Team is serving the Treasurer role as they work on the Finances, and Colleen Nichol and Martin Stewart are acting as Interim Co-Chairs for the Board.
The Interim Finance Team is working diligently. Right now much energy is used catching up on bill payment, and helping the new bookkeeper as she gets on Board with our computer program, the United Church payment system, the bank accounts, etc. We are all grateful for the donations made by supporters of JBUC. The easiest method of payment for the church is direct deposit though the bank. Some people, especially those supporting the Arts Ministry use the Canada Helps button on the website, which is great, but they do charge a 4% fee. Brian Troutman is now the Programs Financial
Report Liaison—a role which enables the Finance Team to have clear and consistent financial reports from all of the different staff, programs and teams.
Gwenna Moss has offered to work on getting archival material from the church into the United Church archives of Pacific Mountain Region. This has not been done for years and so it is a big project. Gwenna will be seeking volunteers to help go through material over the summer.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
February 28 and March 5, 2024
On February 28, the Board received a letter of resignation from Vanya Smith, our Office Administrator. Vanya has been in that job for 12 years through many changes in personnel, technology and congregation members. She will continue to work for the next while as the year-end work is completed and the Annual Meeting has happened. And there will be opportunities to express thanks for the work done and friendships she has enjoyed at JBUC. The Board is now moving to look at next steps and how to best get the Office Administrator’s work done.
As well we are seeking a Communications person as Gordon will conclude his interim work at the end of April.
The Interim Finance Team has been working hard to get the year end financial materials completed and the 2024 budget prepared. The Board endorsed a new grant application for the Community Lunch program and are hopeful that it will be successful.
The budget was passed at the March 5 meeting and is ready to be recommended to the congregation at the Annual Meeting on April 3. A big item in the budget is work to renew the Thrift Shop roof which we will propose be funded out of the Grace Fund. It is essential to get the repairs done so that their great work can continue!
Plans were finalized for the congregational lunch following worship on March 10.
Thanks to Colleen Nichol for getting it organized!
Summary James Bay United Church Board
January 31, 2024
The Board met each Wednesday in January dealing with a variety of matters. In particular we looked at the job description for the Transitional Supply Minister who we hope to have with us for a few months when Hilde finishes her time with us. We are very grateful that Hilde has agreed to stay until after the Annual General Meeting which will be held on April 3 this year.
As many of you know, the Board called a “pause” on new programming at the church in November. We lifted that pause this week and put in place a process for people wanting to start new things at the church. Those asking to start new programs are to go to the minister to present their idea and clarify details. If the minister approves the program, then they can go forward with booking space with the Administrator and advertising and presenting the program. Having a coordinator means that the whole picture can be viewed which should be helpful.
We are beginning plans to participate in the Pride Parade again this year on July 7. Watch for notice of a concert in the church featuring Daniel Morel coming up soon. Daniel has been supported by JBUC as he transitioned from unhoused to housed and now is presenting blues concerts with Lonnie Glass—the duo performing as Big Train. The concert will assist with his on-going costs so donations will be appreciated (not tax deductible.)
The Interim Finance Team is moving toward the year end statements and sorting all the details related to that.
We are starting the process of looking for new Board members for the coming year. If you have gifts and interests that would serve the Board or any of its Teams, please speak to any member of the current Board. It is a mix of challenges and joys—a great way to offer service to the well-being of James Bay United Church.
Summary James Bay United Church Board
January 10, 2024
The church Board met hearing reports from the Pastoral Care Team that they sent 80 cards over the Christmas season. We are grateful that the church can keep in touch with so many of you through the Pastoral Care Team.
We welcomed our new Interim Finance Team, Franklyn Roy, Hazel Blennerhassett and Alan Thurston. They are quickly learning the JBUC finance systems and eccentricities. Currently the Board is working on the Social Justice work and its finances. Cliff Boldt has agreed to look after the roster for Sunday morning counters.
Chairperson Deborah Davis has made announcements the last two Sunday regarding the recommendation by the Pacific Mountain Region that we hire a short term Transitional Supply minister. We trust that the work done by this person will help us get the governance and administrative dimensions of our work in a more solid position before bringing in a new permanent minister.
We were sad to say goodbye to Barb Whitney who has served as Elder on the Board. We are very grateful for her long time commitment to the work of the church. Blessings and thanks, Barb!
Summary of James Bay United Church Board Gathering
November 25, 2023
Due to health and other issues, a group of five members of the Board met for an informal meeting. The United Church requires that the minister called or appointed to the congregation be present for a meeting to be official—but Hilde was unwell. The decisions needing motions from the smaller group were ratified later by the whole Board.
The Board has been working to update its policies over the past few months. It was determined that a special meeting will be held in February to try to complete them. Many are simply asking James Bay United Church to follow the procedures of the United Church of Canada. Once the policies are updated, they will be available to the congregation and staff in a binder in the office. Minutes also are/will be available in the office for anyone who wants more detail than in the monthly newsletter summary.
Gordon Miller, while working as the Communications staff person, will also be assisting the Board to learn more about the platform the church uses for its website and many other things. We hope to have a permanent Communications contract person in place by February.
An important action by the Board was approval of a Remit (vote by Regions and Congregational Boards of the United Church of Canada) regarding a change in the structure of the United Church. There has been an Indigenous Council for many years, but at the last General Council, the Church consented to having a remit to restructure the church to have two streams—one with the familiar pattern of General Council, Regions and Communities of Faith and the second a stream of Indigenous self-governance not bound by the same rules and patterns as the settler church. For further information see This is one step in how the United Church is participating in reconciliation.
Summary James Bay United Church Board
October 25, 2023
The Board met on Wednesday with a gathering with Gail Miller from Pacific Mountain Region to talk about how we can do a strategic plan for the church. We need the plan to clarify what the directions the Board should be leading in as well as to have a written plan for when church people are applying for grants. Keep tuned in as more information about the process and congregational involvement will be coming.
Following the time with Gail, the regular Board meeting occurred. Each month we deal with matters sent to us by the various Teams (eg. Ministry and Personnel, Worship, Finance, etc.) The Worship Team is aware of the increased spread of Covid and so encourages use of sanitizer when arriving at the church as well as encouraging use of masks. Our treasurer, Kathleen McDonald Date, noted that a new sump pump has been purchased for $2800—an unbudgeted but necessary item. Procedures for counting of Sunday offerings are being updated.
The CEBA loan from the Federal Government will be paid off in November. The Search Team continues its work toward finding a new minister when Rev. Hilde’s term is done.
The Board is attempting to get polices in place for the good management of church life and so that common practices are used in all of the situations that arise. This is an ongoing process with a few being done each month until completed and placed in a policy book in the office. Also in the office, the full minutes of Board meetings will be available for anyone who wants more detailed information about what happens at the Board than is contained in the monthly
newsletter summary.
Summary of James Bay United Church Board Meeting
September 20, 2023
The Board held a very full meeting on September 20 confirming decisions from the summer as well as doing the needed tasks for fall planning. We started the meeting with Kim Tadei reading the United Church Creed reminding us that we are not alone—we live in God’s world. When we gather as a Board we are aware that we are in God’s world and that we are working for the well-being of James Bay United Church, one part of God’s world.
We were very happy to recognize the group that is working on Reconciliation with First Nations People as a “Team” of James Bay United Church. This means it is an official part of the church program and reports to the Board along with other Teams such as Pastoral Care, Thrift Shop and Property.
We continue to regularize processes of the church. There will be a form for people requisitioning the church for payment/repayment of expenses so that those signing cheques can cross reference receipts and requisitions. Also the United Church has policies on screening of staff and volunteers who are working with vulnerable people. Our Ministry and Personnel Team has developed a form using self-declaration of information to meet this requirement.
Our finances are increasingly complex partly because of the grants that our various ministries have received to aid their work. These grants are for specific things (e.g. the Thursday community lunch) and cannot be used for anything else. So while the bottom line looks healthy, some of the money cannot be used for things that must be paid like staff salaries or church building operational costs. This means we have a deficit in useable funds.
The Board is grateful for the leadership and support of our minister, Rev. Hilde. We also expressed our gratitude for the presence and gifts that Chris Bodnarchuk has offered to the Board as she steps down from this work. We continue in thankfulness for the many other gifts she offers to the church as a greeter, offering counter and her delicious goodies at coffee time.
James Bay United Church Board
Summer of 2023
The Board met on July 11, 2023 trying to get all the needed work done on a very full agenda with the transition in ministry leadership.
At the July meeting, Karen helpfully provided hand-off notes for the Board with details about the life of JBUC that the Board needs to be on top of. She also provided a list of all the Teams and Team volunteers in the church—an impressive list! Thank you to all the people who give your time and talents to keep JBUC functioning as a creative spiritual home.
The Search Committee continues its work to find the right permanent minister. We are delighted that they found a 6-month term Supply Minister in the person of Rev. Hilde Seal to work with us.
We examined the contracts for our three positions (Arts Ministry, Social Justice Ministry and Communications) since the year terms for those contracts are coming soon. Some changes will be happening. After the July Board meeting Christine Chepyha has indicated she will not be renewing her contract as Communications Manager so the search is on for her replacement.
While the Board did not meet in person during the month of August, numerous emails dealt with emerging issues. Gail Miller from the Pacific Mountain Region staff of the United Church was appointed as Pastoral Charge Supervisor during the period when we did not have an incumbent minister to oversee any problems, offer information, be present at any meetings and participate in any significant decisions. The terms of Hilde Seal’s contract were confirmed by the Board. Jamie Waters was hired to fill in due to Dylan’s medical leave. The Ministry and Personnel Team prepared an information guide for the use of our new minister outlining a lot of the workings of JBUC. As well the Board is putting polices in place for numerous areas of church life. These will be especially helpful when someone says, “What happens about….?”
Finances continue to be a concern as we look at some major upgrades to our buildings (both the church and Thrift Shop) next year. This year our day-to-day expenses are outweighing our income. Our hope is that a Fund Development Team to oversee fund raising, grant procurement and community relationships will soon be in place. The month of October will feature our usual Stewardship letter asking for financial commitments as well as a fund-raising concert to keep the lights on.
The Board had “A Day for Clarity” on September 2 from 9:30am - 3:30pm to look at who we are as a Board, what we see in the church that is working well, what needs improvement, and what is ahead. We will be working on a Strategic Plan for the church as well as sorting out the responsibilities of the Board, the Minister and other staff. It was a full and rich day as we deepened relationships, shared ideas and looked at what is needed for the continued well-being of JBUC.
James Bay United Church Board Summary
June 20, 2023
Deborah Davis, Colleen Nichol and Karen Dickey attended the Pacific Mountain Regional Annual Meeting in Abbotsford on behalf of James Bay United Church.The Social Justice Report indicated that more volunteers would be useful at the Thursday lunches as the lunch is growing. Let Joanne Keelan know if you would like to help out.
This year JBUC will have a presence at the Pride Parade in Victoria. This will allow us to emphasize our church as one “Opening doors to God’s love” with a banner, books marks to hand out and people in the parade on July 9. Everyone is welcome to participate.
The board will meet for a planning day in August to work on our priority setting and look at leadership required by the church in this transition time. As Karen winds down her ministry at JBUC the Board needs to be able to pick up loose ends. The Worship Team is looking for feedback about worship and for volunteers to lead worship occasionally. The hope is for lay-led worship once each month to enable our new ministry person to focus on all of the dimensions of ministry in the ¾ time position.
Our revenues so far this year are coming in at an appropriate rate to meet the budget but some expenses have been higher than budgeted especially issues related to the buildings and insurance.
Blessings as we live into the summer season know in the church year as “ordinary time.”