Soaking Prayer Chair Sessions

Healing Pathway practitioners offer “Soaking Prayer” following the service on the last Sunday of each month. If you are feeling the need for care – perhaps because of stress or concerns that you are carrying, or pain or grief -- we invite you to come and receive. Practitioner(s) will place their hands gently on your shoulders as you are seated. Come and sit in a chair at the back section of the sanctuary or in the balcony for a few minutes to receive healing energy through the Soaking Prayer technique.

We welcome this opportunity to offer our Healing Pathway Ministry to the congregation.

Monthly Practice Group
Healing Pathway Practitioners come together monthly to build confidence and grow their skills in this important healing ministry. They offer the Healing Pathway techniques to each other, learning, growing and fostering community.


Healing Pathway Phase 2 - Where Two or More Gather

Healing Pathway Phase 1 - Intro to Healing Pathway
JBUC - October 18-20, 2024
Lead Instructor: Judith Donaldson
Contact: for more information.  



Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash