Well do I remember those birthday party games from when I was little. A line of chairs set up in the middle of the room, music playing while we all danced around, and then the heart-stopping pause in the music while we ran quick as can be to grab a chair.   Some unlucky child would be left standing, and they were OUT!   Oh, the humiliation of it, too timid for party games, everyone laughing, and it was me who was OUT.  

In fact, it is a universal human anxiety that we all carry with us to a greater or lesser extent, that there will be no seat for me, no place for me at the gathering. 

Well, at James Bay United we want you IN, not OUT.   We want to welcome you IN and assure you that there is a place here for you, a seat here.   When the music stops playing, all will sit down.

Did you know that since the removal of church pews several years ago we’ve been sitting on loaned chairs from Fairfield United? They generously gave us the opportunity to buy the 38 chairs in the Sanctuary at a cost of $25 each.   We took up their offer. Now we must cover the cost to assure the welcome of all who open our doors whether they be congregation members, Tuesday Night Jazz at the Church followers, Community Guitar Class participants, or James Bay Community Chorus singers.

So, if these words caused you to smile perhaps you will be willing to pay for a chair so that all are welcome at our gatherings.

How to buy a chair

  • You can give either cash in a self-addressed envelope or a cheque with “New Chairs” in the memo line, to the office.
  • You can put cash into an envelope clearly marked "New Chairs" and place it in the Sunday offering plate or drop cash into our “New Chairs” box at the door.
  • You can donate through CanadaHelps online at jamesbayunited.com/get-connected/giving and note in the online form that the money is for “New Chairs”

Then you can, yes, sit back and feel the joy of being part of a caring, welcoming community.

Submitted anonymously


PS: If you donate more than $20, you’re eligible for a tax receipt so we need your name and address so that we can send a receipt in time for the next tax season.

PPS: Should we raise more than the total cost of the chairs, the funds will be put to good use!