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The JBUC Sunday Worship choir will sing in five services this Spring and will hold a choir workshop on Saturday February 15. Anyone in the community is welcome to join regardless of ability. If you are a newcomer or someone who wants to try out the choir for the first time, please know that your voice is so welcome. We usually hold two Sunday afternoon rehearsals in the weeks preceding each choir service - please check the dates below. Rehearsal files are provided by email so that you can practice on your own. Preferably, you would be able to attend both rehearsals for each Choir Sunday, but at a minimum you should plan to attend one of the two rehearsals. If you have an interest in taking part in any or all of these services, please email our music director - Jennifer Turner - at or feel free to talk with her in person after a Sunday service.

Sunday February 2, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in JBUC Sanctuary
Sunday February 9, Sunday Service 

Saturday February 15 Choir Workshop from 2 - 4pm in JBUC Sanctuary for members of the JBUC Worship Choir or those interested in joining for upcoming Sunday services

Sunday March 9, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in JBUC Sanctuary
Sunday March 16, Sunday Service

Sunday March 30, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in Sanctuary
Sunday April 6, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in Sanctuary
Friday April 18, Good Friday Service
Sunday April 20, Easter Sunday Service

Sunday May 18, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in Sanctuary
Sunday June 1, Rehearsal from 12 - 1pm in Sanctuary
Sunday June 8, Pentecost Sunday