That’s what one of the presenters blurted out in an on-line anti-racism teach-in this week, adding her voice to all the voices that won’t be quelled these days.  “We need accomplices!” – real partners in rooting out the systems, the biases, the lies, the injustices, the entitlements that allow racism to breathe.  Not just allies, but accomplices in suffocating the flames of white supremacy.  The call is being sounded and many of us, we’re leaning in, feeling something of the fire in our own bones, eager to be part of this growing movement for change … deep, up-ending change. 

So much is being made available these days to open our eyes, challenging us to learn, which is so critical if we truly want to be part of the change. Here’s a link to one article that I came across this week.  I so appreciate Nate Behar’s frankness, his refusal to soften his tone as if to make it easier for us.  I encourage you to read it. 

Please jot me a note in the response form below if you would like to be part of an on-going conversation about racism as we draw on further resources to inform and transform us.


Photo credit: Colin Smith Takes Pics

Yes, I want to be part of the conversation!

Looking for accomplices, not allies.

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