Give no heed to those who are greedy, 
attend not to those who do wrong.
For, like the green grass of spring, they soon fade and wither away.

Trust in the Most High, and seek goodness;
live harmoniously upon the earth in peace and with assurance.
Take delight in the Beloved, enjoy the bountiful gifts of Love.

Commit your life to the Beloved,
confident that Love will act on your behalf,
Making clear your pathway, bright as the sun at midday.

Be still before the Beloved, and wait patiently and in the silence;
pray for those who prosper by deceitful means,
and for this who live by their own devices.

Recognize your own anger as unfulfilled desire,  
and lift your thoughts to higher planes;
For those who act out of anger, separate themselves from Love;
And those who live in harmony, shall know peace, assurance, gratitude, and love.


In a little while, those who live with greed will prosper no more;
the darkness of ignorance will pass, as a new dawn enlightens the world.
The lovers of darkness shall perish, while the humble shall inherit the earth,
and delight themselves in sharing its abundance with all.

Those who are greedy plot against the upright
and rationalize their selfish desires;
Yet, the Beloved watches patiently, 
knowing that soon they will stumble and fall.

The greedy call forth guns and ammunition,
to bring down the poor and needy,
to murder those who walk in peace. 
O, if they only knew that their greed will kill their own spirit;
their hearts will be broken.

How much better is the little of those who know Love,
than the abundance of the greedy ones.
For the spirit of the selfish will be broken;
while those who live in love,
shall dwell with Love.