Creating God,
You have called us to be in loving relations with all the Earth,
living with respect in creation,
choosing love and seeking justice at all times.

Instead, humankind has acted in hateful ways,
exploiting natural resources,
choosing power and seeking wealth in the present over future abundance.

We need your help to fight for a better future!

Help to reawaken our love for Creation,
that is so magnificent that we, with all our creativity and knowledge,
could never articulate it; 
and so passionate that we, with the personal price and communal cost,
would still fight for it.

Help to deepen our relationships and love for each other:
Affirming the wisdom of youth strikers,
so that we are not discouraged by empty platitudes and naysayers; and
Growing our community of allies,
so that we can create a sustainable and faithful response to the imminent climate crisis.

For the sake of your majestic creation, and
For the love of all our relations.
Help us to fight for a better future.


—A prayer for the Fridays for Future Climate Strike movement by Alydia Smith