Good afternoon, James Bay United Church,
We're in for a sweet evening together tonight-- in case you need a remider-- with our PICTURE THIS! event, beginning at 7pm. We'll be taken to 6 different parts of the world by 6 people who have each chosen 18 photos to tell the story of their recent adventure. No need to worry about Uncle John droning on about museums in Moscow (or whatever is your equivalent of a not so memorable evening in front of a screen!). The timer will be set for 6 minutes, so hold on to your seats and enjoy the ride! Oh yes ... and there will be desserts to share too. Your contribution of a little something sweet will be appreciated. Enter the downstairs hall by way of the patio at the back of the building.
Quite apart from the stories of our travels this evening, what's the story we have to share as we meet people in the neighbourhood who wonder about James Bay United Church? To that end, I want to alert you to what I think will be a really fine event coming up in October in Parksville, Innovation and Our Story. The timing is wonderful for us as a congregation in light of our priority to deepen our connections in the neighbourhood. This event will help us get in touch with our story ... our own and that of James Bay United Church. As one of the leaders of this event says, "finding your story amid the myriad narratives that fill your life isn't a simple task." This event will be helpful in "finding your own story amid the powerful family and cultural narratives that may be obscuring your vision." The dates are October 20-22 ... though a number of us will return home the night of the 21st. The more of us who attend the lower the registration fee ... so we will register as a group. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in participating.
If you haven't alreday signed up but are intending to take part in one of the options in our Soulful Wednesdays series (about to begin October 4), please be in touch. We are ordering materials now.
Tomorrow we'll be celebrating the life of Irene Nepstad as part of our morning service. We'll be joined by a number of people who, perhaps like you, came to treasure Irene. Thanks ahead of time for your welcome and care for them.
Grace and Peace, Karen
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