Good evening, James Bay United Church,
At last ... tomorrow afternoon will see the work completed to clean our furnace ducting. Not that we're eager for the arrival of cooler temperatures so we can use our furnace! But it will mean a whole new air quality in the sanctuary, even before we begin to use the furnace. This may be our last Sunday for a while in which we'll gather for worship in the downstairs hall. In anticipation of our move back upstairs, I, along with the Worship Team (Cheryl, Daniel, Gary, Sue, Sylvia) would really value hearing from you about what you've noticed these last few weeks about the experience of worship since meeting downstairs. What have you appreciated, and why? What will you miss about not being downstairs? What have you missed by being downstairs? Your thoughts about any and all of this will be helpful as we reflect on our practice of worship. Send me a note if you will by way of the comments or questions link at the bottom of this page.
Earlier this week I met with a couple of people who are interested in becoming members of James Bay United Church. For them it's a case of having found something they deeply appreciate through the life of this congregation. Becoming a member is a way of declaring more explicitly their desire to be part of this community and part of contributing to the thriviing and well-being of James Bay United Church. So I'm putting out the call to any others who have had long enough with this congregation to sense a home for your heart ... and a desire to take a step that signals your commitment to be intentional about your faith journey, and to be part of strengthening the life and mission of this congregation. Please be in touch with me if you would like to talk further about this. Again, you can send me a note by way of the comments or questions link at the bottom of the page, or give me a call. 250 384 5821. I would heartily welcome the conversation!
This Monday Ryan Tristin Chapman begins his internship with us. We can look forward to the ways his gifts and insights and hopes for learning will season and stretch many aspects of our life and work as a congregation. In these next few weeks of this "arrival time," he along with the Supervision Team (Amber Rainshadow, Cheryl Hanna, Eunice Davison, Duncan Maclean, Tom Kerr) and me --we'll be doing the work of clarifying goals, envisioning opportunities, and establishing a weekly/ monthly rhythm of commitments. You can anticipate hearing from the Supervision Team periodically. One of their tasks is to be in conversation with the congregation about the internship, recognizing this is a learning experience for all of us together. I urge you to plan to be part of our gathering next Sunday morning ... it will be an important opportunity to begin to say hello!
Finally, an update from Gary on this month's potluck supper. The plan is to gather in the hall downstairs on Saturday evening (Sept 24) ... doors open at 5:20 pm. (enter off the patio at the back of the building). The theme is Finding Joy -- or Joy finding you! Bring a favorite dish to share ... bring a friend ... bring your own dear self for a time of connection with old friends and new.
(In the meantime ... thanks for your responses to my wonderings about worship these weeks in the downstairs hall, and the question of membership, by way of the comments or question link below.)
Grace and Peace, Karen
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