Good morning James Bay United,
A brief note this morning, highlighting a couple of things.
If nothing else is feeling like Spring these days, (well, aside from the robins, the crocuses, the hummingbirds, the growing light!) this is the weekend we spring ahead. So a reminder to turn your clock forward an hour before you climb into bed tonight. A late arrival to our morning service means you'll be just in time to join the Anthem Choir for their first in a series of practices for special music in Holy Week. So whether you're in tune with the new time or not, a rich morning is in store!
On the heals of International Women's Day, Laura Brandes sent me notice of a special event coming up on Monday, sponsored by the Sierra Club of BC: "WHEN WE ARE BOLD: WOMEN WHO TURN OUR UPSIDEDOWN WORLD RIGHT."
Our Opening to Abundant Life series begins on Wednesday this coming week. If you are interested but haven't already contacted me, please be in touch so you get the details of time and place.
Our Thursday evening movie series is a meditation on lives of passion, purpose, meaning and joy. This coming Thursday we'll be watching Still Life, the story of John May, a council worker in South London charged with finding the next of kin of those who have died alone. Usually without success, he regards the deceased as “his” people going extra lengths to serve them well. Consider coming for supper in advance of the movie -- a great way to connect with others, and enjoy a tasty meal together. This week's menu: soups galore. Supper begins at 5:30 with the movie at 6:30. Feel free to invite folks you think would appreciate the opportunity. Enter the downstairs hall off the patio around the back of the building.
You may well be aware that we are expecting, very soon now, the arrival of a Syrian refugee, a young woman who is "simply" awaiting her exit visa. 2 Saturday nights from now, March 25, we are all invited to share in a great Evening of Spanish Songs and Music, featuring Zhila Kashaninia, mezzo soprano; Robert Holliston, piano and Gwen Thompson, violin. Tickets are $20 and all proceeds go to the James Bay Refugee Initiative. The concert venue is Oak Bay United Church, 1355 Mitchell St. Doors open at 7pm, concert begins at 8pm. Tickets are available at Long and McQuade (Hillside), our church office, from Judy and Aleksa on Sunday morning, and at the door (cash or cheque only). Thanks for spreading the news!
Last of all, if you were expecting an income tax receipt for your offering and haven't yet received it, it could be we don't have an up-to-date address. Please be in touch with Vanya in the office.
Grace and Peace,