This autumn night
shades of darkness
in the sky
are signs of earth’s turning,
the fleeting ways of nature.
And we—
drawn together in this holy house,
filled with New Year’s hope and light—
turn our hearts toward You
in prayer,
seeking life’s essence.
In the presence of Your love
we feel the nearness
of those who bless our lives
even in death.
Precious memories of their love
restore our strength,
renew our faith in life’s goodness.
We acknowledge with gratitude
the life You have given us
the bounty that sustains us,
Your comfort
in sickness and sorrow,
Your compassion
in valleys of despair.
God of years, God of eternity,
bless us now and always.
Bless our homes and our families.
Be with us in our dreams
and in our hopes.
Be with us
Through these Days of Awe,
as we search our souls within
and seek the lasting shelter
of Your love.
-inspired by a hymn for the New Year by Rabbi David Einhorn (1809-1897)