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Community Guitar Class aka Guitar Jam is back with the fabulous Aaron Watson
Mondays, 7pm in the Sanctuary

Aaron Watson has been a respected musician and facilitator in Victoria for many years and brings a huge heart and  accomplished skill to his role of facilitator in this fun-filled, community-building class. Bring a guitar and a sense of  adventure! (and music stand if you have one)

Join us for a fun-filled, everyone welcome guitar class where we will get together to learn about the guitar from the ground up, develop our listening and performing skills and sing and play a dizzying array of music made fun and accessible through Aaron's teaching style.

Class fees are set at a sliding scale from $12 - 20 per class. A drop-in option is also available. A limited number of bursaries are available for those in financial need. Please email for more information.

No need to pre-register - just show up on Monday night!

Photo credit: Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash