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We are thrilled to invite you to a special, everyone-welcome masterclass with one of Canada’s finest vocalists, Ms. Louise Rose.

A dynamic performer, composer, and educator, Louise Rose has spent decades honing her craft as a singer, pianist, and mentor. Join us as we explore the practices that have shaped her artistry while discovering and refining our own voices in this unique masterclass series.

Masterclass with Louise Rose: "So You Say You Want to Sing a Song, Eh?"

"I have a hunch that almost everybody breathing on planet Earth has a secret (or maybe not-so-secret) desire to sing. They sing in the shower, in the car, while washing dishes, doing laundry, chopping vegetables, or picking fruit. They sing because they have a song. Just like the birds, they sing.

Unlike the birds, however, if there are ears within hearing range, they stop singing. Why? Good question.

Almost everyone I’ve ever met is nervous, bashful, shy, or even embarrassed to sing aloud alone. Parents sing to their babies but often stop when their children tell them to. Hmmm…

Well, I’m offering you the opportunity to sing the one, two, or even three songs you’ve dreamed of singing in a supportive environment that will lead… who knows where?

This is an opportunity for you to do your own independent study. How in-depth you go is up to you!"

Session #1: Getting Started

Saturday, March 1, 2025
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
James Bay United Church, 511 Michigan Street

  • Choose three songs you’ve always wanted to sing or are currently working on.
  • Begin your independent study: Research the songwriters, lyricists, and composers. Is the song from a Broadway show or movie? Who sang it originally? Who has recorded it since? How do you dream of singing it?
  • Spend the next three weeks exploring your songs and preparing to share your discoveries.

Session #2: Sharing & Singing

Saturday, March 29, 2025
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
James Bay United Church, 511 Michigan Street

  • Share what you’ve learned about your chosen songs.
  • If you’re comfortable, sing for the group.
  • Choose keys and styles that work best for your voice and bring you joy.

Sessions #3 & #4: More Exploration

Saturday, April 5, 2025
Saturday, April 12, 2025
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
James Bay United Church, 511 Michigan Street

  • Continue refining your songs in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Admission & Registration

Admission is by donation. Space is limited to the first 10 participants who register. (Registration is now closed.)

Suggested donation: $40 per session (but all are welcome, regardless of financial means).
Donations can be made via Canada Helps or by cash/cheque on the day of the session.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from a true master of song!