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Sunday October 27, 2024

This Sunday we wrap up our Thanksgiving Appeal, recognizing that our financial support enables so many life-giving ministries that enrich the lives of many — ourselves included!  This week in our monthly Lay-led service, we will uphold another of these: our Music Ministry. We will have opportunities to attend to how music resonates in our own bodies, touching our souls and connecting us with the Holy One.  We will experience how music in community moves us, brings us together and lifts us up. Let us come with our hearts open to experience our worship as a “song of praise to the Maker”.

Presiding: D’Arcy McPherson
Reflection: Sarah Hovey
Music Lead: Jennifer Turner
Tech Team: Nathan McDormand, Jamie Waters, Alan Thurston
Christ Candle: Mahima Sylvester
Scripture: Carol Yanisch
Scripture Reading: Psalm 105

Scripture Passage: Psalm 105 excerpt from “Psalms for Praying – An Invitation to Wholeness”  by Nan C. Merrill

As the earth produces abundant harvests,
when the sun and rain nourish the seeds,
so our fruits bless others as we grow in trust and love. 

Teach us, O Merciful One, to have generous hearts,
offering all we are in the name of Love.

As spring and summer follow the autumn and winter,
so our lives have their seasons.
Help us to live in the eternal moment,
awaiting your perfect time in all things.
May we be content to wait in peace, 
until You stir the waters within to act;
may we be patient with ourselves and with others.

O that we may have the light of wisdom,
the steadfastness of faith!
In You alone is our Trust, O Holy One,
in your Word is the truth that sets us free.
O that we may open our minds and hearts,
and welcome You into our home,
that we may live each day conversing with You,
O loving Companion Presence!

As you have led all generations 
through times of turmoil and war,
Guide us now, O Blessed One,
along the paths of peace.
May the people of all nations break the bonds of fear-filled oppression;
may they bless one another with forgiveness.
Blessed be the One who lives and dwells among us!

Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from
ONE LICENSE with licence #A-741594 All rights reserved.

Update on Masking for Sunday Morning Worship

As we continue to discern what is the best masking practice at any given moment, for this next stretch of time we are lifting our requirement for masking during Sunday morning worship.  However, if you are feeling more comfortable to continue wearing a mask, you are most welcome to do so. And as always, if you are feeling unwell, please enjoy worshipping from home via our very fine streamed services.

Attending In Person?

Sunday service is also live-streamed from the sanctuary at 10:15am Sunday morning. Please participate, live on YouTube.  The platform has the option for you to add your comments, prayers and concerns in the live chat window. You may also choose to write your prayers down, speak them aloud during the service, or send your prayer requests to us via email. Arrive at 10:15am to greet each other, then the service will begin right at 10:30am.


Our worship each Sunday is intended to be a collective experience, a communal practice.

We might step into whatever is our sanctuary, each one of us as individuals, and yet as we assemble, from wherever we are, we become a people, drawn together through song and prayer, through word and ritual, and through the Spirit who breathes through it all, through us all.

One and the same Spirit uniting us breathing us into life!

Last Week's Service: 

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