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This oportunity comes to us through the Community Council of Greater Victoria


Join us for the launch of a new report on drivers of homelessness and actionable solutions in Greater Victoria.
About this event

Join local, provincial, and national experts on housing and homelessness to discuss "Drivers of Homelessness: Findings for Action" - a new report authored by the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria (CSPC) and funded by SPARC-BC.

Speakers at this event will include

Esther de Vos, Executive Director of Research for BC Housing;
Erin Dej, Assistant Professor at Wilfred Laurier University and researcher with the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness;
Emily Rogers, Director of Operations at Together Against Poverty Society;
and others.

"Drivers of Homelessness" answers key questions to solving the ongoing housing and homelessness crisis in Greater Victoria by addressing questions such as

What are the most important structural and systemic factors that contribute to homelessness?
How can we prevent homelessness by addressing these structural and systemic factors?
How does early intervention fit into a broader homelessness prevention framework
This event will include the launch of a SPARC BC funded report that examines the drivers of homelessness in Greater Victoria through the analysis of CSPC’s homelessness prevention program The report will inform evidence-based conversations in the public and the media and support local policymakers in preventing and ending homelessness in our region.

The CSPC acknowledges the Songhees, Esquimalt, Tsartlip/W̱JOȽEȽP, Tseycum/WSIḴEM, Tsawout/SȾÁUTW, Pauquachin/BOḰEĆEN, T’Sou-ke, Scia’new and Pacheedaht Nations who have a historical and ongoing relationship to the land where our offices and work are based.

We also respect the wide diversity of nations and languages across the province. British Columbia is home to over 200 First Nations communities and approximately 50% of the First Peoples’ languages of Canada. For more information visit:

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